Your house is likely to be your most valuable asset, which is why you need to ensure you have a comprehensive home insurance policy in place to financially protect your home and belongings. 

When buying a home insurance policy it’s important to understand that buildings insurance and contents insurance are different. Many policies will enable you to combine this cover, or you quite often have the choice to purchase them separately too.

What’s the difference between buildings and contents insurance?

Buildings insurance is designed to cover the cost of repairing damage or, in extreme cases, rebuilding the structure of your home if it is damaged by an insured event, such as a fire. Typically, buildings insurance will cover your roof, floors and walls, as well as permanent fixtures such as kitchens and bathrooms. 

Contents insurance protects your belongings. It may cover the cost of replacing them if they’re damaged or stolen. 

At Lansdown we have specialised in property insurance for decades and can provide a free review of all your requirements recommending the right policy for your needs. Cheap home insurance can prove costly. We’ll help guide you through the process so you can be confident you have adequate levels of cover in place, should the worst happen.

Second-home or holiday home insurance 

Whether you own a second home as a holiday retreat, work base or an investment, getting the right insurance cover is vital.

We can provide cover for UK and overseas homes that are regularly used but are not your main residence.

If you’d like some advice on arranging your home insurance, please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

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